Pamela Haines, Quaker author and poet, will speak via Zoom on “Alive in This World” to Newtown Quaker Meeting adult class at 9:45 a.m. on First Day (Sunday), January16, 2022.
The title of Pamela’s talk is also the title of her most recent book, Alive in This World, a book of poems about trees and city life. Haines will share her insights through her poetry and narrative.
Pamela Haines, a long-time resident of Philadelphia, is active in peace, justice, and environmental work among Quakers and with a national interfaith group, Faith, Ecology, Economy, Transformation. She has written two Pendle Hill pamphlets, Waging Peace; Discipline and Practice and Money and Soul, co-authored a book, Toward a Right Relationship with Finance; Debt, Interest, Growth and Security, led a variety of workshops on faith and economics, and spoken frequently on the topics of climate, justice and racism.
Haines also works in capacity building among child-care workers; teaching peer counseling; and leading family play groups. She is on the board of the Mill Creek Urban Farm in West Philadelphia and is active in her community garden. She enjoys deep personal connections in Poland and Nicaragua and has helped develop community building and trauma healing work in Uganda and Indonesia. She is passionate about quilting and repairs of all kinds,
Pamela Haines is a member of Central Philadelphia Quaker Meeting, married to Chuck Esser, and they have three grown sons. Haines has a bachelor’s degree in Social Ecology from Antioch College and a master’s degree from Temple University in History.