6 members. Term 3 years. Reports in October. Hosts in July.
From the very beginning, it has been the belief of the Religious Society of Friends that everyone is a minister – we are all called upon to bear witness to the presence of God in our individual lives, in the life of the Meeting, and in the life of the world community in which we live. This suggests that the Committee on Worship and Ministry in a monthly meeting in reality is a “Committee of the Whole.” Never-the-less it has been deemed appropriate to appoint a committee as part of the Meeting structure to carry out two functions: (1) to focus on nurturing the spiritual life of the Meeting, and(2) to attend to the various pastoral needs of the Meeting that are rooted in our spiritual foundation. To a certain extent, a number of the duties enumerated below may overlap with the duties of other committees. This should not be a cause for concern. Everyone should feel that they are a part of the workings of the Committee on Worship and Ministry.
Duties of the Committee:
Committee membership
Members of the Committee are expected to attend worship regularly, to be persons of some spiritual depth, and to be good listeners. They should be active participants of the Meeting and members of the Religious Society of Friends.
Shows concern, by example and counsel, for the quality of worship. Provides for the conduct of regular and specially appointed Meetings for Worship, including memorial meetings (marriages are under the care of Care & Counsel). Encourages the “opportunity” for brief worship at the beginning and ending of each working or social meeting among members so that the experience of deep listening between each other and the Divine and the opening to that which is Eternal becomes a way of life. Addresses issues that arise that are disruptive to the quality of worship.
Memorial Meetings
Appoints a Coordinator of Memorial Meetings to be the contact person for bereaved families. Both the Committee and Coordinator provide support to the family on behalf of the Meeting, using the Memorial Meeting Handbook as a guide to all procedures and responsibilities; Makes sure Memorial Meeting Handbook is current and accurate and copies are available and accessible to Meeting members. Committee members should be familiar with the contents and responsibilities.
Spiritual Nurture
Gives continuing thought and encouragement to the spiritual life of the Meeting; Is available to listen to, as well as to nurture and offer counsel to, those who are growing or struggling in their spirituality; Offers support and discernment to those in the Meeting who are under the weight of a spiritual leading; Devotes time at its meetings to the spiritual development of its members, sharing spiritual journeys and spiritual practices, discussing spiritual concerns and issues; Responds to the spiritual needs of Friends unable to attend regular meetings for worship; checks to make sure someone from Meeting visits these Friends at their residence.
Support of the Meeting
Organizes workshops or speakers from time to time who will contribute to the spiritual development of the Meeting community and the Committee.
Collaborates with the Adult and Children’s Religious Education Committees and other groups that offer programs of spiritual development. It is helpful to have a member of Worship & Ministry serve on the ARE committee; Maintains content posted to the Worship & Ministry page(s) on the Meeting website.
Relationship with Bucks Quarterly Meeting
Coordinates worship services at Chandler Hall for one month every eight months, providing music and a worship leader for each Sunday that month.
Relationship with Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Responds to inquiries from PYM Quaker Life Council on behalf of the Meeting.