First Day Schedule

Newtown Friends Meeting invites you to join us for worship and First Day School classes. Meeting for worship is held every Sunday.  Adult and children’s classes are held at 9:45 on the second, third and fourth Sunday of each month during the school year.  On the first Sunday of the month, meeting for business is held at 9:45am. At 11am, the children participate in a service project. A shared potluck meal, “Friendly First”, follows worship. 

On any given Sunday during the school year, our schedule is:
9:45-10:45am. Adult First Day School & Children’s First Day School
10:45-11am Meet up with family and prepare to enter worship
11am Meeting for Worship. All children report upstairs to the Child Care Room.
11:30am Children (ages 6 and up),  walk quietly downstairs to participate in Meeting for Worship. Young children (5 and under) remain in child care until the end of meeting.
12pm Rise of meeting; Announcements
12:15pm Refreshments in the Gathering Room

On the FIRST Sunday of the month, the schedule changes:
There is no Adult or Children’s First Day Class on this day.
9:45am Meeting for worship with the Attention to Business.
11am Meeting for worship. All children report upstairs to participate in a service project.
12pm Rise of meeting; Announcements
12:15pm Friendly First shared meal. This pot luck luncheon rotates under the care of meeting committees who provide main dish; everyone else is encouraged to bring a salad/side or dessert.

Quarterly Meeting is held on the 3rd Sunday in February, May, August, November. Locations are rotated among the 13 meetings in Bucks Quarter. 

There is no Adult or Children’s First Day Program beginning the second Sunday in June through the first Sunday in September.

10am Meeting for worship, childcare available
11am Rise of meeting; Announcements

At 11am (10am in summer)  Adults settle into silent worship.  Children report upstairs. Adults stay for an hour, centering our thoughts, attempting to reach a spiritual center that nourishes us, soothes us, and inspires us. Sometimes a person stands and shares a message that she or he feels compelled to share.  At other times we sit quietly absorbing the power of God within us, gathering the strength and love we find by being among other seekers.

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