Peace and Justice Committee Description
10 Members. Term: 3 years. Meets monthly. Reports in May. Hosts in January. Welcomes attenders.
The Peace and Justice Committee builds a bridge between the individual concerns of those in the Meeting Community and the Meeting as a whole and seeks ways for the Meeting to support the leadings and social concerns activities of individual members.
The committee:
- supports those who are endeavoring to be faithful to the Friends Peace Testimony;
- presents opportunities for individuals to become involved in solutions to social problems on community, national and international levels;
- and educates Friends about the need to develop local and international understanding and engagement in the Quaker testimonies, including environmental action, peace, racial and social justice, equity, and service.The committee may organize activities for the Meeting to engage in social justice actions such as a post-card writing table, lectures and discussions, adult class presentations, and local actions.The committee will inform members and attenders through Communications of activities in the Meeting, PYM area, and wider community.
Resources for Inspiration and Action
We seek a world free of war and the threat of war. [The World We Seek FCNL]
American Friends Service Committee
Social Justice
We seek a society with equity and justice for all. We seek a world where every person’s potential may be fulfilled. (FCNL)
Right Sharing of World Resources
POWER Interfaith Newtown Meeting is a member of POWER Bucks
Addressing Racism Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Collaborative
First Contact Reconciliation PYM Collaborative seeks right relations with Indigenous people and tribal nations.
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Environmental Justice & Climate Action
We seek an earth restored. (FCNL)
Quaker Earthcare Witness
Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT)
Eco-Justice Collaborative Philadelphia Yearly Meeting witness
Take Action
Friends Committee on National Legislation Sign up for weekly emails and lobby your elected legislators with letters on issues suggested by FCNL. Personalized letters have more impact.
Urgent Call to the Religious Society of Friends on Defending Truth, Working for True Equality and Justice , Promoting Free and Fair Elections, and Preparing for Non-Violent Resistance.
View Notes from our 9/25/22 Adult First Day class on the Urgent Call.
Newtown Meeting Recommends Legislative Priorities to FCNL for the 119th Congress
Annual Report 2024, Annual Report 2023, Annual Report 2022, Annual Report 2021, Annual Report 2020, Annual Report 2019, Annual Report 2018