Administration / Officers

The Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Controllers, Treasurer and Recorder must be Meeting members. They serve as the officers of the Corporation, and are formally appointed as such at the Annual Meeting, held during December business meeting.


2023 Clerk’s Annual Report
2022 Clerk’s Annual Report
2021 Clerk’s Annual Report
2020 Clerk’s Annual Report
2019 Clerk’s Annual Report

Must be Meeting member. Term: 1 term of 2 years. Reports Annually to Monthly Meeting in November, Quarterly Meeting in November, then submits report to PYM.

Ideally, the Clerk is both servant and leader. The Clerk sees to the management and good order of the affairs of the Meeting and is responsible for a general oversight of the Meeting activities. Specifically, the Clerk:

  1. Conducts all business sessions of the Meeting and ensures that the instructions of the Meeting are carried out in all matters pertaining to the complete accomplishment of its business;
  2. With Assistant Clerk, prepares the agenda and sends it to the Communications Committee prior to the meeting;
  3. Conducts the Monthly Meeting in a worshipful spirit and in the manner of Friends process;
  4. Ensures administrative compliance with the wishes and/or business decisions of the Meeting;
  5. Ensures that those charged by the Meeting with new tasks or specific actions are informed of their responsibilities;
  6. Defers a matter to a later time when there is no clear sense of the Meeting, and takes care that matters held over appear in a later agenda. Calls additional meetings as needed, with notice to members.
  7. Receives and properly acts upon – or delegates – all correspondence directed to the Meeting, and promptly dispatches all letters or documents whose drafting has been entrusted to the Clerk. This includes letters of application and transfer and Friends School recommendations.
  8. Attends Bucks Quarterly Clerks Meetings to facilitate communication and collaboration throughout the Quarter.
  9. Serves as ex-officio member of all committees and attends when appropriate.
  10. Signs legal documents to which the Monthly Meeting has given approval, as executive officer of the Meeting, and represents the Meeting at ecumenical or other functions when called upon to do so.
  11. Ensures important communication with members and attenders. Sends Clerk’s e-blasts when needed.
  12. Closes Meetings for Worship, or appoints another member to do so.
  13. Conducts at least semi-annual meetings of the committee clerks to ensure good communication.
  14. Ensures that concerns raised within the Meeting are addressed and/or directed to the appropriate committee.

The full description of the functions of the Clerk is contained in Faith and Practice.

Assistant Clerk

Must be Meeting Member. Term: 1 term of 2 years

  1. Records the minutes of Monthly Meeting and sees that they are properly stored. Provides final draft of the minutes to the Communications Committee. After approval, sends one copy of the minutes to the Friends Historical Library at Swarthmore College;
  2. Reads the appropriate Query once each month during Meeting for Worship;
  3. Reminds committee clerks of their responsibility for submitting monthly meeting agenda items/reports, reporting to Monthly Meeting and hosting the monthly Friendly First lunch;
  4. Maintain the schedule of business meetings, hosting and reporting; post on website and convey to Communications Committee;
  5. Assists the Clerk in any way possible when called upon, and acts in the absence of the Clerk by presiding at Monthly Meeting;
  6. Acts in the name of the Meeting whenever the Clerk is unable to do so.
  7. Normally becomes Clerk at the end of the two year term.

Controller for Operations

Term 4 years Reports in February and September

  1. Holds, accounts for, and when properly authorized, disburses funds for the Operating Fund and other funds as assigned by the Financial Oversight Committee. Authority to disburse funds for certain line items is contained in the approved operating budget. Other disbursements shall be made only on authorization of the Monthly Meeting, the Clerk, or the appropriate committee chairperson.
  2. Provides, when called upon, financial reports and data to the Financial Oversight Committee. Reports to Monthly Meeting quarterly.
  3. Submits the book of accounts for annual audit by the Auditing Committee.
  4. Serves as alternate to the Treasurer for Endowments and to the Assistant Controller for Receipts.
  5. Is a member ex officio of the Financial Oversight Committee.

Assistant Controller for Receipts

Term: 4 years

  1. Receives contributions and other payments for the Operating Fund and other funds as assigned by the Financial Oversight Committee, and deposits them in the Meeting’s bank account;
  2. Picks up mail at Post Office;
  3. Provides, when called upon, financial data concerning receipts to the Controller and to the Financial Oversight Committee;
  4. Provides receipts for all contributions at the end of the calendar year; Provides receipts for all other contributions as requested;
  5. Serves as alternate to the Treasurer for Endowments and to the Controller for Operations;
  6. Is a member ex officio of the Financial Oversight Committee.

Treasurer for Endowments

Term: 4 years Reports in March and September

  1. Receives, holds, accounts for, and when properly authorized, disburses funds for the endowment funds, income funds relating thereto, and other funds as assigned by the Financial Oversight Committee. Disbursements shall be made only on authorization of the Monthly Meeting;
  2. Engages in shares transaction for the purpose of donated gift shares under the authorization by the Financial Oversight Committee.
  3. Provides, when called upon, financial data to the Financial Oversight Committee for financial reports;
  4. Prepares and submits reports to Monthly Meeting in March and September;
  5. Submits the books of account for annual audit by the Auditing Committee;
  6. Acknowledges receipt of gifts to the endowment; provides annual written cumulative report of all gifts and bequests;
  7. Signs Certificate of Burial Rights, confirming payment from member;
  8. Serves as alternate to the Controller for Operations;
  9. Is a member ex officio of the Financial Oversight Committee.


Term: 4 years. Reports in January

  1. Maintains the records of births, deaths, admissions, removals, marriages and any other pertinent statistical information relating to the Meeting membership;
  2. Maintains records of address, phone, and other contact information for members and attenders;
  3. Certifies and transmits at the direction of the Meeting such information to a requesting member;
  4. Transmits to PYM changes in membership information.
  5. Ex officio member of Communications.

2023 Annual Report, 2022 Annual Report, 2021 Annual Report, 2020 Annual Report, 2019 Annual Report, 2018 Annual Report, 2017 Annual Report, 2016 Annual Report, 2015 Annual Report, 2014 Annual Report, 2013 Annual Report, 2012 Annual Report, 2011 Annual Report, 2010 Annual Report, 2009 Annual Report.

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