Building and Grounds

Building & Grounds Committee Description.

10 Members. 4 year Terms. Meets monthly. Reports in February. Hosts in March. Open to Attenders.

The Building & Grounds Committee is responsible for the care of both the building and grounds, including the burial ground, parking, maintenance and use of the building. Link here for reservation calendar.

The Committee:

  1. Is responsible for the general care of the equipment, appliances, and property; inventories these items periodically;
  2. Coordinates housekeeping tasks and addresses orphaned clutter;
  3. Employs and manages caretakers and contractors for the property, and maintains contracts, permits, and insurance with all 3rd parties concerning care and use of the property;
  4. Oversees the graveyard liaisons, approving policies for burials and maintaining records;
  5. Reviews the needs for capital improvements to the Meeting property and makes recommendations to monthly meeting concerning these needs;
  6. Receives all requests for use of the Meetinghouse and keeps a calendar of such use. Oversees all outside parties in their use of the meetinghouse and acts as a liaison for Newtown Monthly meeting;
  7. Coordinates and directs meeting community workdays.
  8. Manages building access (keys).
  9. Addresses safety issues, including fire inspections, liaison with police deparatment, maintain AED and first aid kits.

Burial Ground Information

Use of the Meetinghouse. Check the reservation calendar for availability. Requests to use the meetinghouse must be made to the clerk of Building & Grounds.

Annual Report for 2023

Annual Report 2022-2023 with Graveyard Activity Report

Annual Report 2021-2022

Annual Report 2020

Annual Report 2019

Annual Report 2018

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