10 Members. Term: 3 years, starting July 1. Meets monthly. Reports in May. Hosts in June. Open to attenders.
The Religious Education Committee has as its primary responsibility the nurture of the children of the Meeting through the First Day School program.
- Identifies the First Day School Clerk(s) and teachers and assigns substitutes as necessary.
- Responsible for planning curriculum for the teachers and nursery and obtaining supplies as needed.
- Assigns children to the proper classes and space.
- Presents program by the First Day School at Christmas.
- Coordinates flower procession and Easter egg hunt.
- Presents Bibles to fourth graders at Easter and Faith and Practice to eighth graders in June.
- Maintains a coordinated effort with Worship and Ministry and Care and Counsel with regard to babysitting younger children during Meeting for Worship.
- Plans and implements children’s fund-raising meals in the Fall and Spring, with assistance from the Meeting community.
- Plans additional events for the children when interest is indicated.
- Plans June end-of-year picnic to appreciate teachers.
Note: Teachers are encouraged (although not required) to attend Religious Education Committee meetings and are welcome to serve as committee members.