The marriage certificate:
This form is the traditional wording of the marriage certificate. The couple reviews the wording of the certificate with the overseers of the marriage, including any desired word changes.
Whereas [name] of [address], son of , and [name] of, daughter of [names of parents: use mother’s maiden name], having declared their intentions of marriage with each other to _______________monthly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends held at _________________, their proposed marriage was allowed by that Meeting.
Now this is to certify to whom it
name name
And we having been present at the marriage have as witnesses hereunto set our hands.
Marriage Vows
The following is an example of vows to be exchanged between the couple. The couple may write their own vows.
“In the presence of God and these our friends I take thee, ______, to be my husband/wife/partner, promising with Divine assistance to be unto thee a loving and faithful wife/husband/partner so long as we both shall live.”