In anticipation of Sunday’s ARE session sponsored by Peace and Justice, it seems wise, given our limited time, to send this introduction and attach a key document that will be the basis for discussion in small groups.
Our task is to discern legislative priorities that will guide FCNL lobbying starting in January 2023 with the 118th Congress.
As a starting point, from the list of enduring Priorities now in place for the 117th Congress, we have selected ones with topics that reflect Peace and Justice subcommittees – Racial Justice and Environmental Action. In addition, under the weight of the war in Ukraine, we have included priorities on peacebuilding and diplomacy.
In our small group discussions, we are seeking original ideas to expand the existing priorities that will guide the work of FCNL in the future.
Please read the document linked below, before you come to the meetinghouse or join the Zoom at 9:45 on Sunday morning. It might be helpful to have a copy available to consult. The legislative priorities listed first are those that currently guide the work of FCNL. The three below are ones that were proposed after a discernment process held by one monthly meeting. They are simpler, and our hope is that the combination will stimulate fruitful discussion about what else should be added that will inspire advocacy for congressional action by FCNL staff and FCNL supporters across the nation.
Each group will be asked to designate a note-taker who will record what is discussed and discerned. Notes should be sent to Betsy Crofts Following the session, members of Peace and Justice will carefully consider all that is recorded and then bring to monthly meeting in April a proposed set of legislative priorities for approval that will, if approved, be submitted to the FCNL Policy Committee for their discernment. The Policy Committee will report to the Annual Meeting of the General Committee in November so that a slate of legislative priorities for the 118th Congress will be in place to guide the work of FCNL starting in January 2023.
Please join us in this Spirit-led work.
Betsy Crofts, Kathy Harr, Diane LeBas for Peace and Justice
FCNL Legislative Priorities for 117th Congress (2020) document