Richmond Shreve will speak at 9:45 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 16 at Newtown Meeting in person and on Zoom on “How to Counter Disinformation.” Shreve will base his remarks on 3 short videos created by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists—on disinformation, on communication strategies and best practices, and on pitfalls to avoid. There will be time for questions and small group discussion. Richmond Shreve began writing about credibility while volunteering as an editor for OpEd News a decade before publishing his book Credible? Recognize the Authentic in 21st Century Media with Dr. Susan Mehrtens in 2019.
Thirty years as a business executive honed Shreve’s pragmatic approach to research and analytical and practical problem solving and afforded him extensive experience in written and graphic media. As the head of the marketing research department for Sandoz Pharmaceuticals (U.S.), he tested and evaluated sales and promotional techniques and reported on their effectiveness. Since retirement, Richmond Shreve has volunteered with many nonprofit community groups doing graphic design, website design, video production, broadcasting, and media projects. He’s served as a community newsletter editor and writes occasional columns for a local newspaper, The Courier Times. He publishes four websites and administers others.
Working to preserve and protect our democracy, Shreve provides training and technical support for Fair Districts PA, a grassroots activist project of the PA League of Women Voters to reform gerrymandering. A life-long learner, Richmond has acquired expertise as a racetrack driving instructor (and is the author of the Instructor Candidate Manual used extensively by the BMW Car Clubs of American). He’s a broadcast and audio engineer, volunteer firefighter, high pressure boiler operator, Photoshop professional, commercial printer, and computer power-user.
Newtown Friends Meeting co-founded by “Peaceable Kingdom” painter and Quaker minister, Edward Hicks, in 1815, is open to all who wish to attend. Regular First Day Education classes (Sunday School) for all ages begin at 9:45 a.m. and Meeting for Worship begins at 11 a.m. Childcare is available.